Lawyers in Moscow

Branch of the Bar Association "Grozny and Partners" in Moscow


Basic information

  • Specialization: Family lawyer, Criminal defense lawyer, Protection of military personnel, Housing Lawyer, Lawyer for Business, Inheritance Lawyer, Lawyer in civil cases, Arbitration Lawyer, Lawyer for administrative cases
  • City: Moscow
  • the city of Moscow, 15 Staraya Basmannaya str., p. 2: Moscow, Staraya Basmannaya str., 15, p. 2
  • Phone: +7(499)113-72-25
  • Email address:

The work of a lawyer in Moscow has its own specifics – it differs from that in the regions. The main feature of advocacy in the capital is the need to compete with other lawyers. And not only with lawyers. After all, those who do not have a lawyer status can also represent the interests of other persons in civil, family and many other disputes.


The second important nuance of law enforcement activity in Moscow is complexity. To a greater extent, this applies to civil cases. The capital is the center of the economic life of the country. Therefore, the legal relations arising on its territory are more complicated and diverse than in the regions. It is often very difficult to defend your rights in case of violation. At least because they need to be properly qualified and understand which rule of law will be applied in a particular case.


That is why choosing a lawyer in Moscow should be approached responsibly. Do you want to get really effective protection? Ready to help. The Bar Association "Grozny and Partners" provides all types of legal services. And most importantly, it does it efficiently – we take all measures necessary to achieve the most favorable outcome for the client.


What legal services do we provide?


We provide all types of legal services.


Participation in civil law disputes


Civil legislation is complex and diverse. Often the norms contained in departmental acts are applied to civil legal relations. And sometimes you have to be guided by the position of some judicial bodies (for example, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation).


Because of this, a person who does not have sufficient knowledge in the field of jurisprudence will not be able to defend their violated rights. But we can do it for him. We help in:


● civil law disputes;

● family disputes (including about the child);

● housing disputes;

● situations where intellectual property protection is necessary.


Criminal defense


If you are a suspect or accused in a criminal case, we will provide you with high-quality protection. Depending on the situation, we will achieve the most favorable outcome for the client. This can be expressed in:


● the appointment of the most lenient punishment, not related to imprisonment;

● termination of the criminal case due to rehabilitating or non-rehabilitating circumstances;

● exemption from criminal liability.


Participation in the arbitration process


Do you have your own business and have a dispute with partners or creditors? Do the tax authorities want to declare your company bankrupt? We will help. We will represent your interests in communication with partners and government agencies, as well as defend your interests in the arbitration court. Let's make sure that the company comes out of an unfavorable situation with minimal or no losses at all. We will help to avoid subsidiary liability to an official of a bankrupt organization.


Protection in administrative cases


In almost every administrative case, it is possible to achieve the most favorable outcome for the person accused of committing an offense. This is due to the inattention and incompetence of civil servants who draw up administrative protocols. As well as judges and officials who consider them. Therefore, we confidently declare that we really know how to build an effective defense in administrative cases and guarantee a positive result of our work.


Other services


We provide a number of other legal services, including:


● Protection of the client's interests in CAS disputes. Do you need help in court when challenging the actions of officials or other cases that are considered under CAS? We will provide it.

● Services for business. We will help you with everything related to entrepreneurial activity: we will register a legal entity, represent the interests of the client in the Federal Tax Service and other departments, we will help you recover the debt under the executive document.

● Mediation. We will help settle any disputes without a trial. We will offer the most favorable conditions for each of the parties.

● Protection of conscripts and military personnel. We will help to achieve justice in the military enlistment office and defend the rights of those who are already in military service.

● Forensic examination. We will help you choose an expert organization or experts. If necessary, we will conduct a legal assessment of the examination or appeal its results.


Why us?


Here are some reasons why you should cooperate with us:


● Experience. The lawyers of our collegium have been working in the field of jurisprudence for more than one year (and many for more than a dozen years). Over the years, they have gained a huge practical experience that helps them to defend the interests of clients as effectively as possible.

● Speed. We strive to solve the client's problem as quickly as possible, as we take care of his time.

● Diversity. The collegium employs lawyers, each of whom specializes in one area of law. Thanks to this, we have built an effective team work that helps to achieve the desired result.

● Guarantees. We guarantee the achievement of the most favorable result for the client.


In our work, we strictly adhere to the principles of advocacy: legality, professionalism, integrity and confidentiality. We never disclose the information that the client has given us.


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